Make your own Brown Sugar

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Have you ever gone to make something only to discover you had no brown sugar, well now you can just make up however much you need? It is super easy and tastes so much better than store bought and it is way cheaper.

Start with one cup of sugar.

 Add 1 to 2 Tablespoons of molasses ( depending on how dark you want it to be) I always use 2 Tablespoons.
 Mix with your mixer.
It will be a little lumpy, just mash the lumps with a fork. Continue mixing.


 You will have nice fluffy fresh brown sugar.


So now you won’t have to worry about your brown sugar getting hard or running out. Plue this taste amazing.

2 Replies to “Make your own Brown Sugar”

    1. Post author

      I am trying to start using more honey. I love honey and molasses. I will have to try using the honey and molasses in place of brown sugar.
      Have a great day