Week 18 Deep Pantry/Food Storage Challenge

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A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 27:12

Remember having a deep pantry isn’t just about having extra food on hand. It is also about having the means to survive in an emergency situation, having all the extra food isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t cook it when the power is out.

Don’t forget to share what you were able to do this past week to have a deep pantry/food storage. Let’s encourage each other. And if you have a question feel free to ask or if you have the answer to a question feel free to answer. If you have a tip or idea you can share that also. As I said let’s make this a place where we can share and encourage others to get that deep pantry.

6 Pounds Shortening / Cheese

6 Pounds shortening, oil or lard I use lard, coconut oil and olive oil to cook with since it is better for you then the hydrogenated shortenings. I do keep a little shortening and vegetable oil on hand. I use the oil in a spray bottle to spray the bottom of pans. The shortening, I use in soap. As with everything be sure to rotate. If you plan to make your own soaps you might want to try and get a little extra.


Shortening does have a very long shelf life if keep unopened and in a cool place. I also have lard and tallow canned which extends the self-life. Oils not so long, they will get rancid a lot quicker than the solid shortenings.

Cheese we eat a lot of cheese, I try to buy on sale and keep in the freezer. I get shredded because when you freeze block cheese it will fall apart when you thaw it out. You may also want to get some cheese powder. I have two different kinds and really don’t care for either one of them so I don’t know if I am just picky or if I just haven’t found a good one, the kids like them so maybe it is just me. I need to play around with them a little and see if I can tweak the taste.


You can also wax some cheese and store in a cool place. The only problem with this is if there is even a pin size hole it will get very moldy,( don’t ask how I know) and it does get sharper as it ages. I tried this using regular wax and it didn’t work I have since found out that if you use cheese wax it will work. I haven’t tried it yet but plan to soon. You can also buy the Tillamook brand it is already waxed and according to the manufacturer, it should last in storage without anything additional done to it.  I haven’t used a food saver on block cheese but plan to try this also and see if it would work.


You can also dehydrate grated cheese if you do this use cheese that you grate yourself not the prepackaged shredded.  You can also can your cheese, it is pretty easy to do. I have hard cheese and Velveeta canned.


I make most of our soft cheese like cream cheese, mozzarella, and cottage cheese. You don’t need fresh milk to do these you can use store bought milk to make any of these.

The Action item this month is learning to cook from scratch if you don’t already. It is so much cheaper and healthier.

The extra item this month is alternative lighting. Oil lamps are very affordable and you can use Kerosene and it keeps for a very long time. You will go through batteries in your flashlight pretty quickly so be sure to have lots of candles, oil lamps maybe even some solar powered lights and other light sources in addition to extra batteries.

Put back some more water. Store bought or containers that you fill your self.

Add more money to your money stash. Even if a small amount it all adds up.

What did I get done this week?

I bought 21 pineapples that I will can. Worked on our raised beds for the garden. That was about it for this past week. Hoping to get more back into the swing of things this next week.

What were you able to get done? 

6 Replies to “Week 18 Deep Pantry/Food Storage Challenge”

  1. NRP

    Ranchers Wife;
    RE: Cheese
    I get the bulk 5# bags of cheese from Sam’s Club, divide it up into 2 cup bags and Vacuum Seal. Last a VERY long time in just the refrigerator. I do not Freeze and Cheese, to me it picks up a ‘nasty’ flavor.
    As far as Block Cheese, there is only one Cheese …. Wait for it….. Tillamook Extra Sharp, than I store it for at least 1-2 year in their original packaging…. OMG is it good. AND sharp enough to take the enamel off the teeth, YUMMMMMMM

    PS; Oils, freeze them, will last for many MANY years.

    1. watkinsranches@yahoo.com Post author

      Hadn’t thought about vacuum sealing them that is a good idea. My only problem is it only goes on good sales once in a while so I have to get a lot at one time plus I run out of fridge space haha. Wish I lived closer to sam. Have to admit I am not super crazy about sharp cheese DH is but I like a little milder haha.
      Have a great day,

  2. Jennifer

    Great post! We had 7 days (some had 21 days) without power a few years ago after a huge storm took the whole region out, we used our LPG (we had a few cylinders on hand) bbq to cook, boil water etc & first used refrigerated goods up…with candles for lighting. Used a car adapter for recharging our mobile phones as that was our only source of communication & information throughout the time.

    Since we have bought a solar & hand winder torch, added drinking water storage (as many had their water cut too), we don’t keep as many frozen goods in the freezer as they went off pretty quickly (even in winter) & we had to bury them (such a waste) :-(…

    We have yet to buy a solar shower bag (camping supply) to keep handy in case it happens again, cold showers in winter were pretty shocking!

    You are most welcome to drop by for a cup of inspiration anytime!

    1. watkinsranches@yahoo.com Post author

      Doesn’t it feel good knowing you are prepared if something like that happens again?
      Have a great day.

  3. Jann Olson

    We love cheese as well. I found that it freezes better if I grate it first. We planted our garden this week. Hope to do some canning from it’s bounty this fall. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  4. Bonnie

    I’m just trying to get my pantries cleaned out and use up my extra. We don’t have a lot of storage space and I seem to collect ingredients. :/

    Thank you for sharing on the Homestead Blog Hop