Week 50 Deep Pantry/Food Storage Challenge

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“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 27:12


Remember having a deep pantry isn’t just about having extra food on hand. It is also about having the means to survive in an emergency situation, having all the extra food isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t cook it when the power is out. If you are having a hard time trying to afford filling a deep pantry read my post on “having a Deep Pantry on a tight budget.


Don’t forget to share what you were able to do this past week to have a deep pantry/food storage. Let’s encourage each other. And if you have a question feel free to ask or if you have the answer to a question feel free to answer. If you have a tip or idea you can share that also. As I said let’s make this a place where we can share and encourage others to get that deep pantry.


50 pounds Wheat / Nuts

50 pounds of flour or wheat, if you have a grinder you can get wheat it will last a lot longer if stored correctly. If not get flour. White flour will last longer than wheat flour in storage. If you live in a place that freezes during the winter get your flour now and you can store it out in a shed or somewhere where it will freeze. Just pour in a bucket, add a couple pieces of spearmint gum and a couple bay leaves and put the lid on. If it freezes really good for at least a few days, it will last a very long time ( I opened some flour a few months ago from 08 and it was still good). If you don’t live where it freezes you will need to put it in the freezer for 48 hours or in some Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. If using Mylar bags you do still need to put them in buckets, this will keep varmints from trying to chew through.


Nuts, nuts need to stored in the freezer or in an airtight container so they don’t get rancid. This is something that has to be rotated. You can use the nuts to make nut butter with. I just put in my food processor and process until I have butter sometimes I will add a little coconut oil if it seems to be a little dry. Way better than store bought. A lot of nuts are on sale this time of year.


How is the crocheting or knitting coming along? Remember if you don’t have anyone to teach you U Tube has some great videos.

Are you getting any do it yourself books? If you can’t afford books look online for downloads there is a lot of free information that is downloadable out there.

Put back a little more money and add some to your water.


What I got done this week.

I didn’t get a whole lot done this week I did get 20 pints of Turkey broth canned and got 2 cases of oranges and 2 cases of grapefruits, Ordered some coconut cream concentrate that I will use to make coconut milk with. Also got some self-stable coconut and almond milk that was on sale.


What were you able to get done this week?