I am Back

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Katie’s surprise 21st Birthday party

Well, I am back, It has been a very long, busy and stressful last couple months. In March I started an EMR ( Emergency Responder ) Class, I also muffed up my back/shoulder where it was hard to type, set or do much of anything, Then my biggest freezer went out so I had to do a marathon canning session ( did good we didn’t lose very much).

The first of April I got a call from my Brother telling me one of my younger sisters had passed away ( still trying to wrap my head around that one). In May Andy’s Aunt passed away so we had to make a trip to Pheniox. Then my Brother and Sister in Law adopted a little 18-month-old boy so a friend and I planned a little adoption shower for them.

Then the middle of June we had our big family reunion here at my house then the end of June my daughter and I planned a surprise 21st Birthday party for my other daughter.

During all of this I was trying to get gardens planted, a new raised bed garden area put together, the yard ready for the reunion, study for my EMR class, work on fair stuff, can strawberries grapes, and cherries, work a real job, and do all the extra things that come along with this time of year. More on a lot of these coming up.

So please bare with me while I try to get everything caught up ( deep pantry challenge, 200 a month, monthly sales, and herbal Wednesdays) and do a daily post.

It does feel good to be back I have to admit I really have missed working on this and interacting with all of you.

9 Replies to “I am Back”

  1. Chaniqua

    Glad that you are back. Sorry about the rough patch you went through. With everything going on I look forward to your posts. I have never canned but have all the supplies. I really need to just dive in.

    1. NRP

      I’m an old fart of 66, and have been canning for close to 60 years of that, remember helping my Mother when I was actually just getting into the way, but she was a God Send.
      Please just take that very first step in Canning, get a good book, I recommend the “Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving”, and try a few easy recipes; you will fall into a totally new world.
      Amazon Link - amazon.com/Ball-Complete-Book-Home-Preserving/dp/077880139X/ref=sr_1_3?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp_b3qaGo4wIVS73ACh3_dgzwEAAYASAAEgKuQvD_BwE&hvadid=174233765424&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9030489&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12068614516188689809&hvtargid=kwd-564319355&hydadcr=22536_9636733&keywords=ball+canning+book&qid=1562689880&s=gateway&sr=8-3
      I have literally worn out 2 of these books.
      As Connie had mentioned if you ever have any questions or just want to share a recipe, toss it out there.

      1. Chaniqua

        Thank you. I have the book. Apricots are extremely cheap right now. I want to make some apricot jelly in honor of my grandma. She loved the stuff and I miss her. I know I’m just wasting time and should dive in. I will give it a go this weekend and report back.

        1. watkinsranches@yahoo.com Post author

          Awesome that is the way to do just dive in and do it. Let us know how it turns out. Any questions just leave it in the comments or go to the FB page and leave it and I will try to get back to you asap.
          Good luck and you are going to do great.

  2. watkinsranches@yahoo.com Post author

    Thank you, Oh if you have all the supplies you do need to dive in. Once you start you will be hooked. Also if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Just ask on the latest post even if not a canning related post.
    Have a great day,


  3. NRP

    Welcome Back kido.
    Sounds like you’ve had about the Summer so far as I have had. a rough one for sure.
    Story at Ten, as they say.
    Believe I’ve been past the “Ranch” 1/2 dozen times in the last cpl of months.
    Cortez sure is pretty this time of the year. To bad it’s in CO, would consider moving that way HAHAHA

    1. watkinsranches@yahoo.com Post author

      Thank you, Hopefully, I am back for a while. Sorry, you are having a bad summer also hopefully things will start to level out for you soon.

      We are pretty and green this year loving it, and what do you mean by To bad it’s in CO lol, Pretty sure our states are in a competition to see who can screw them up faster and not too sure who is winning. Oh well, I am here for life Hahaha

      Everyone on the other site doing good? I haven’t had an extra minute to even go check it out. Do miss reading and interacting with them need to get back over there,

      Have a great day.