Week 44 Deep Pantry / Food Storage Challenge

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“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 27:12

Remember having a deep pantry isn’t just about having extra food on hand. It is also about having the means to survive in an emergency situation, having all the extra food isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t cook it when the power is out. If you are having a hard time trying to afford filling a deep pantry read my post on “having a Deep Pantry on a tight budget.

Don’t forget to share what you were able to do this past week to have a deep pantry/food storage. Let’s encourage each other. And if you have a question feel free to ask or if you have the answer to a question feel free to answer. If you have a tip or idea you can share that also. As I said let’s make this a place where we can share and encourage others to get that deep pantry.

50 pounds oats / powdered eggs

50 Pounds of Oats, Wal-Mart has oats for 13.58 for 10 pounds or 1.68 for the 2 pounds 10 oz. containers, I get mine at IFA ( our local feed store) they have them for 30.00 for 50 pounds. When storing oats use the same methods as you would for flour or wheat.And remember you can grind them to use for oat flour.

Powdered eggs, make sure to get the eggs that you can cook with. If you get the ones that say for scrambled eggs they will not work for cooking. You can dehydrate your own powdered eggs, if you do they do need to be stored in the freezer.

Even if you have chickens it would be a good idea to have some powdered eggs on hand for a backup if your chickens are not laying for some reason.

How is your learning to sew coming along? Even if you don’t know someone to teach you, there are a lot of u-tube videos that can get you started. As I mentioned start with an easy pattern, something like pillow cases where it is just straight seams so you can learn the basics then work your way up.

Have you been able to get some extra fuel put away? Don’t for get to add fuel stabilizer and store in a well ventilated area away from any flames or sparks.

What I was able to get done this past week.

Since we were hunting I really didn’t get much done.