125 Day Fiber Arts/Sewing/Crafting Challenge

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I have been so busy that I haven’t been doing much sewing or crocheting and I have several sewing and crocheting projects that I need to work on so I am challenging myself to work at least 15 to 20 minutes a day on my sewing or crocheting for 125 days. I picked 125 days because that is how long until Christmas and some of my projects need to be done by Christmas.

I figure I should be able to squeeze in at least 15 minutes each day either during the kid’s naps or in the evenings.

I can do 15 to 20 minutes a day of sewing, crocheting, crafting, or soap making.

I am wanting to sew some bags from feed sacks, mend some of Andy’s pants, make covers for my patio furniture, crochet wash clothes to put with my homemade soaps to sell, put things together for Kayla’s classroom, make soaps and make some signs, so I have plenty to work on haha.

So starting today I will start today and keep you updated once a week as to how ai am doing.

If you would like to join the challenge just comment below and we will work on it together.

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