2023 Canning, Dehydrating, & Freezing Challenge

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I will be doing this again. I am feeling better (most of the time) so I am wanting to get back to canning and putting food in the deep pantry.

I know most people put away their canners at the end of fall, but not me. To me, canning and food preservation is a year-round thing. There is always something that needs to be put up. Even if just beans, then you have a jar of beans if you are in a hurry and need a quick meal or need them for a recipe.

I have been doing some but I have a lot of things on my list that I would like to get canned and dehydrated. I need canned pinto beans, black beans, and a few other things. I also need to get some fruit dehydrated to use in my oatmeal, baking, and water.

So I have a lot I want to get canned in addition to whatever is seasonal at the time.

Do you want to join along and see how much we can add to our deep pantries? Let me know in the comments.


One Reply to “2023 Canning, Dehydrating, & Freezing Challenge”

  1. NRP & Blue

    Hi Connie, I would love to take on the challenge, but I’m 2100 miles from home right now helping a friend build a house. Should be about 6-8 months, but I’m looking forward to hear what you and others are doing.